Project documentation

blockdiag blockdiag { Probes [color = "#ffeeee"]; Explorer [color = "#eeeeff"]; "S3 jsonl" [shape = ellipse]; "S3 postcan" [shape = ellipse]; "DB jsonl tbl" [shape = ellipse]; "DB fastpath tbl" [shape = ellipse]; "disk queue" [shape = ellipse]; Probes -> "API: Probe services" -> "Fastpath" -> "DB fastpath tbl" -> "API: Measurements" -> "Explorer"; "API: Probe services" -> "disk queue" -> "API: uploader" -> "S3 jsonl" -> "API: Measurements"; "API: uploader" -> "S3 postcan"; "API: uploader" -> "DB jsonl tbl"; "DB jsonl tbl" -> "API: Measurements" } Probes Explorer S3 jsonl S3 postcan DB jsonl tbl DB fastpath tbl disk queue Fastpath API: Probe services API: Measurements API: uploader

Each measurement is processed individually in real time.

Components: API #

The API entry points are documented at apidocs

Measurements #

Provide access to measurements to end users directly and through Explorer.

Mounted under /api/v1/measurement/

The API is versioned. Access is rate limited based on source IP address and access tokens due to the computational cost of running heavy queries on the database.


Probe services #

Serves lists of collectors and test helpers to the probes and receive measurements from them.

Mounted under /api/v1/


Private entry points #

Not for public consumption. Mounted under /api/_ and used exclusively by Explorer


Fastpath #


Database #

Operations #

Build, deploy, rollback #

Host deployments are done with the sysadmin repo

For component updates a deployment pipeline is used:

Look at the Status dashboard - be aware of badge image caching

Use the deploy tool:

# Update all badges:
dep refresh_badges

# Show status

# Deploy/rollback a given version on the "test" stage
deploy ooni-api test 0.6~pr194-147

# Deploy latest build on the first stage
deploy ooni-api

# Deploy latest build on a given stage
deploy ooni-api prod
Adding new tests #

Update database_upgrade_schema

ALTER TYPE ootest ADD VALUE '<test_name>';

Update fastpath by adding a new test to the score_measurement function and adding relevant integration tests.

Create a Pull Request

Run fastpath manually from S3 on the testing stage see: rerun fastpath manually

Update the api

Adding new fingerprints #


API runbook #

Monitor the API and fastpath dashboards.

Follow Nginx or API logs with:

sudo journalctl -f -u nginx --no-hostname
# The API logs contain SQL queries, exceptions etc
sudo journalctl -f --identifier gunicorn3 --no-hostname
Fastpath runbook #
Manual deployment #
ssh <host>
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache show fastpath | grep Ver | head -n5
sudo apt-get install fastpath
Restart #

sudo systemctl restart fastpath

Rerun fastpath manually #

Run as fastpath user:

ssh <host>
sudo sudo -u fastpath /bin/bash
fastpath --help
# rerun without overwriting files on disk nor writing to database:
fastpath --start-day 2016-05-13 --end-day 2016-05-14 --stdout --no-write-msmt --no-write-to-db
# rerun without overwriting files on disk:
fastpath --start-day 2016-05-13 --end-day 2016-05-14 --stdout --no-write-msmt
# rerun and overwrite:
fastpath --start-day 2016-05-13 --end-day 2016-05-14 --stdout --update

The fastpath will pull cans from S3. The daemon (doing real-time processing) can keep running in the meantime.

Progress chart

Log monitoring #
sudo journalctl -f -u fastpath
Monitoring dashboard #

Analysis runbook #

The Analysis tool runs a number of systemd timers to monitor the slow query summary and more. See

Manual deployment #
ssh <host>
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache show analysis | grep Ver | head -n5
sudo apt-get install analysis=<version>
Run manually #
sudo systemctl restart ooni-update-counters.service
Log monitoring #
sudo journalctl -f --identifier analysis
Monitoring dashboard #

Deploy new host #

Deploy host from

Create DNS "A" record <name> at

On the sysadmin repo, ansible directory, add the host to the inventory

Run the deploy with the root SSH user

./play deploy-<foo>.yml -l <name> --diff -u root

Update prometheus

./play deploy-prometheus.yml -t prometheus-conf --diff